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Green employee training for hotels. 

A project dedicated to developing and online, gamified environmental sustainability training for hotel employees. This is a game that helps teaching hospitality employees to work in a more environmentally sustainable and resource responsible way. Features tips and tricks on how to reduce pollution footprint as well as information about the importance of reducing energy and other resources usage. 

At the moment unfinished, yet already implemented in Y-LOFT youth hostel in Hong Kong (148 rooms). Tested with 11 hotels and hostels internationally. Serious interest in this tool was shown by at least three large hotels (high end and hostels) in Hong Kong, Germany and Slovakia.


Proposing a simple tool; an online game helping hotels to educate their employees about more environmentally sustainable behaviour in the workspace. 


Why? Employee training matters. Raising environmental awareness amongst catering employees for instance, energy usage in catering could be reduced by up to 30% (depending on the hotel). Furthermore, 43 million tourists worldwide consider themselves to be ecotourists, often leaving bad reviews if they see hotel employees working in a non-environmentally friendly way. Small changes in employee’s behaviour have impact, on environment as well as and on hotel’s profits.


Various psychological studies proved that games influence people’s behaviour. A 2015 study showed, that environmental information in particular embedded in a game, can change people’s behaviour towards energy saving significantly.


Using this pattern to help to train hospitality workers to treat resources in the hotel in more sustainable and responsible way, works towards the goal of producing less pollution while saving hotel's resources. Gamifying the training process makes it more engaging and helps increase retention rates, while making it accessible online makes it time efficient, as it's accessible from any computer, self paced and therefore does not take-up time from in-house employee training. 

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CREDITS: Chelsea Cai Yang (programming), Ali Wang Xinyi (programming), Leah Gong Xinping (graphic design), Barbora Babitzova (business, communication and project management) 

Under the supervision of Hong Kong PolyU; School of Design

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